EU Democracy Rally

Programme :


Secteur :


Action clé :

Action clé 2

Partenaires :

Zentrum fir politesch Bildung (Luxembourg)
Access Info Europe (Spain)
ECIT Foundation (Belgium)
European Alternatives (Italy)
Funky Citizens (Romania)
Peuple et Culture (France)
polyspektiv (Germany)
Studio Rizoma (Italy)
TechSoup Europe (Poland)
Well-Being Lab (Sweden)
Wiener Forum für Demokratie und Menschenrechte / Zentrum polis (Austria)

Durée :
du 01-02-2021 au 31-07-2023
Descriptif :

The partners of this strategic partnership aimed to jointly develop an activity platform for young people that can be used by youth workers, teachers and other professionals, as well as young people, which allows participants to become active citizens who are able to better understand and more effectively shape the world in which they live. The pandemic has indeed highlighted a set of democratic challenges which need to be addressed, including the preservation of fundamental rights and the fostering of transnational cooperation.
Partners thus aimed to develop an instrument which allows young people to boost their democratic skills, enabling them to strengthen our democracies, while
participating in meaningful ways. At the same time, participants have been and will be able to acquire fundamental skills to cope with a whole array of different challenges in life, including self-confidence, public speaking, presentation skills, imagination, organisational skills, team leadership, monitoring of policies and public spending, and more.
This instrument created by the partnership called “EU Democracy Rally“ can be compared to a laboratory in which young people are able to experiment with different tools and methodologies. It is called a “rally” because it consists of different activities allowing young people to develop their democracy skills. These activities are integrated into a course with elements of game-based learning and varying time lapses to fulfil the actions in teams.

Activités :

5 transnational partner meetings:

  • online
  • Palermo (IT)
  • Bucharest (RO)
  • Luxembourg (LU)
  • Vienna (AT).

Online project coordination via basecamp: The partners communicated on a weekly basis via the co-working platform and also organised video calls at least once a month.

7 online workshops were offered by the partners in preparation of the 2nd transnational project meeting, on the following topics:
– Re-Framing Limiting Beliefs
– ECI’s – the first transnational participatory democracy instrument – balance sheet and future prospects
– Assemblies of Solidarity: How to run a successful citizens’ assembly
– MindGame on Future Democracy
– Human Rights Education
– EU Online Simulation Game + Language Animation
– Access to Information Activity.

Produits :

– Identification and description of online democracy tools
– Over 40 individual rally activities including the instructions for future facilitators
– Guidelines for the online and face-to-face versions of the rally
– Peer training by and for all partners
– Network of associate and implementation partners
– Strategies to increase the impact of future social and political campaigns created by young people on the national and European policy levels
– Implementation of a one-week EU Democracy Rally with 30 participants from all over the EU
– Organisation of 10 local presentation events.

Impacts :

Participants were able to expand their professional networks and train their skills in active citizenship, benefitting from the expertise of all the partner organisations.
The partners became part of a platform for the sharing of democracy and citizenship skills and the joint resulting products of the project enable all partner organisations to put their skills at the use of wider communities all over Europe.
The intellectual outputs support youth workers aiming to boost active citizenship skills of young people.
Participants in the LTT became aware of the importance of strong democratic processes and active citizenship in today’s world. They have been empowered through the skills they acquire and further develop as part of their own political and social campaigns.
Young people at risk of exclusion feel empowered by learning and cooperation experiences enabling them to fruitfully work with peers of their age while having an impact on social and political challenges they feel strongly about.

Perspectives :

– The online and offline instrument created will be offered to the variety of partner organisations mentioned in the previous sections.
– The partners will continue to further develop the rally and associate new partners, while implementing future rally editions.
– The platform will continue to support social and political campaigns created by rally participants, giving project leaders from all over the EU the opportunity to team up.
– The partners will support youth campaigns by enabling the communication with decisionmakers on all levels.
– Young participants are encouraged to continue using the  gained skilled and resources, lobbying tools and instruments as parts of their future projects. They are also encouraged to launch awareness campaigns, develop policy recommendations and engage with decision-makers.

Galerie :

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