SUCCEED - StimUlate finanCial eduCation to foster EntrEpreneurship and Development

Programme :


Secteur :

Enseignement et formation professionnels

Action clé :

Action clé 2

Partenaires :

Camera di Commercio Italo-Lussemburghese – Luxembourg
Fvb/ The Hive – Italy
Bicero – Slovenia
Coopération Bancaire pour l’Europe – Belgium
Conform – Italy
Réseau des Entreprises Sociales – Belgium
SATEAN – Romania

Durée :
du 01-09-2016 au 31-08-2019
Descriptif :

The main objective of this project is to strengthen entrepreneurship by increasing the financial skills of (future)entrepreneurs. SUCCEED project aims to create a stable and permanent platform of MOOCs, educational schemes, training courses and replicable examples for learners, trainers and practitioners. Our work is to create innovative content, to provide pedagogical skills, technical skills and crucial information on financial education matters. SUCCED general objective is to enable trainers to stimulate financial education of a large number of beneficiaries and by doing so, increasing their entrepreneurial potential.

Activités :

SUCCEED produced 7 intellectual outputs designed to support its objectives. Indeed, the SUCCEED consortium developed an in-depth analysis at national level to detect skills gaps of the target groups before developing the training. This analysis, together with the results coming from the two learning, teaching and training activities (LTTA) organised during the project, supported the creation of a solid and user-friendly training course and materials for the target groups.
The training materials include 13 different chapters covering every important aspect for a potential entrepreneur (or SME) willing to improve his financial skills and learn more about financial planning and funding.

Produits :

The SUCCEED consortium exploited two of the most innovative tools for education: a MOOC platform and an interactive-web series. It was considered necessary to further innovate SUCCEED’s results to easily promote financial literacy to less-educated, low-income groups and minorities.
The project also delivered guidelines on how to design, create and implement an innovative use of MOOCS and how to deal with complex elements of teaching on the topic of financial issues.

Impacts :

The SUCCEED project influenced participating organisations. Project partners had the rare possibility to share best practices, national and personal methodologies, innovative skills and wide networks. SUCCEED’s results impacted on beneficiaries’ work procedures (teaching approaches, ICT use in learning). Moreover, positive impacts are apparent in terms of efficiency of the training offer for beneficiaries. Finally, beneficiaries increased human resources training on professional growth and support to personal motivation, the problem solving attitude and cooperative behaviour.
The SUCCEED project increased the awareness and direct participations of the target groups and created a training that can be transferred to another context. Moreover, SUCCEED produced clear manuals on how to specifically create a training course in financial education and other topics.

Perspectives :

The consortium considers SUCCEED as a first attempt to fill the gap in financial education. The results achieved were above expectations and affected the initial potential targets more than foreseen. For example, a more advanced training course could be built upon SUCCEED’s results in order to provide specific knowledge on how to negotiate with a bank or an investor and/or how to repay a loan when in financial difficulties. Moreover, several outcomes were created to empower other organisations willing to replicate SUCCEED’s results in other countries or contexts.  By this way, the consortium believes that a larger impact can be achieved in the long-term and even after the end of the project.

Galerie :

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