Training of Trainers in Youth Information and Counselling

Programme :


Secteur :


Action clé :

Action clé 1

Partenaires :

Agence Européenne Pour l’information et le Conseil
des Jeunes a.s.b.l. (ERYICA), Luxembourg
Zajednica Informativnih Centara Zamlade U Hrvatskoj, Croatia
Lidingö city – Youth Department, Sweden
Instituto Portugues do Desporto e Juventude, Portugal
Eesti Noorsootoo Keskus, Estonia
Agencia Catalana de la Juventud, Spain
Omladinski Savjet Republike Srpske, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Organismos Neoleas Kyproy, Cyprus
Centre Régional Information Jeunesse Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Institut Valencia de la Joventut, Spain
Comunidad de Madrid, Spain
Agence Nationale pour l’Information des Jeunes, Luxembourg
Zavod MISSS Mladinsko Informativnosvetovalno
Sredisce Slovenije, Slovenia
Instituto Andaluz de la Juventud, Spain

Durée :
du 01-09-2019 au 30-06-2021
Descriptif :

In the youth worker training curricula in the formal education sector, youth information (YI) is included in certain countries, but it is missing in the majority of them. To overcome this lack and ensure that YI services are provided in a professional manner to young people everywhere, ERYICA has established a training in the YI field. Over the last decade, it grew to a system.

A European working group revamped the related training of trainers (ToT) and this Erasmus+ project put these results into practice. The participants, who completed the ToT are now entitled to deliver 8 courses (5 face-to-face and 3 eLearning) and they are offered a simplified route to become trainers of the remaining of the courses as well.

The objectives of the project were to ensure that youth information trainers:
– become confident in the content and delivery of 8 training courses
– have knowledge and practice of both face-to-face and online training delivery
– understand the international context of YI
– become capable of initiating, organising, delivering and facilitating YI training courses
– interpret the international context of YI work and apply it in their national reality
– become reflective practitioners.

We can state that after the completion of the project, a fresh group of versatile trainers are ready to train youth information workers on a diverse range of tailor-made courses and ensure that youth information services are provided in a professional manner and on a high quality level for young people.

Activités :

We planned to implement two eLearning activities and two residential ones in this project, which altogether make up the ToT cycle. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we were forced to hold the second residential activity online as well. It has therefore resulted in the following course structure:

  • 1st eLearning phase: 6 weeks in October – November 2019
  • 1st residential course (Activity 1): Alicante, Spain, 9-13 December 2019
  • 2nd eLearning phase: 8 weeks in February – April 2020
  • 2nd residential (Activity 2): originally planned to take place in Luxembourg, 4-9 May 2020, finally moved online; 6 weeks in October – December 2020, including 5 webinars.

Produits :

The direct result of the project is that participants who completed the full programme are now skilled and certified to deliver 8 youth information training courses, 5 face-to-face and 3 online. As a result, the staff of youth information and counselling centres across Europe have better access to training opportunities and continuous professional development.

Another major result was putting European level youth policy recommendations into practice, such as recommendations of European Youth Conferences and Council Conclusions.

Impacts :

The impact of the training of trainers cycle on participants was mostly related to the learning outcomes of the course, including:
– becoming confident in the content and delivery of the 8 training courses
– having a knowledge and practice of both face-to-face and online training delivery
– understanding the international context of youth information
– becoming capable of initiating, organising, delivering and facilitating training courses
– interpreting the international context of youth information work and apply it in their national/regional/local reality
– becoming a reflective practitioner.

Participants, who are now trainers in the field of youth information, acquired the skills to deliver courses.
The participating organisations increased their capacity for delivering training courses and accessing training and eLearning opportunities.
The ultimate target group is always young people, for whom the impact of the project is access to better youth information services.

Perspectives :

The project partners found the co-operation mutually beneficial and the content of the project relevant to their needs and development potential. The trained trainers ideally will deliver courses within a year after the end of the project. Organisations from the same country (Spain in particular) deepen their collaboration by organising training courses jointly, translating training manuals and eLearning courses to their language. They develop new training materials too and use all of the above to train youth information workers in their regions. They use a coordinated approach and devise a training framework that takes the needs of all the concerned organisations into account.

Besides these, all partners of the project are open to any future co-operation, let it be within a project framework, multi- or bilateral collaboration, job shadowing, exchange of good practice… Partners are likely to appear together in joint Erasmus+ applications in the future too.

Galerie :

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